Ideal Ademaj is the Athens High School valedictorian, and Jacob Moore is the Athens High School salutatorian. Ademaj has a grade point average of 108.635; Moore’s is 108.094. The commencement ceremony is Friday, May 25, at Athens High School.
Ademaj is a member of AISD’s Pinnacle Early College High School program and graduated with an associate’s degree from Trinity Valley Community College on May 11.
Born in Athens to restaurant-owning Albanian immigrants, he attended school at AISD beginning at the age of 4. In fourth grade, he competed in the UIL math competition, winning that year’s regional number sense meet. That extracurricular activity continued throughout his school years, with Ademaj qualifying for the Regional UIL Academic Meet repeatedly in high school, right up to his competing in number sense in the UIL State Academic Meet this May.