DAR Fashion Show

Carolyn Carter Schiewe and model.

Ladies of the Sarah Maples DAR were in for a treat at the George Washington Tea this year. Carolyn Schiewe who is a DAR certified genealogist, a volunteer genealogist and also a seamstress. She became a seamstress when her curiosity for Colonial Fashion became a passion. Carolyn treated the ladies to a Colonial Fashion Show of dresses that she made. These dresses did not have buttons only ties, men wore the buttons in those days. She had evening dresses, party dresses and day dresses with a mob cap.

Carolyn is a sixth generation Texas. After graduating from Baylor in Waco, she married and became the mother of two very special daughters who have given her seven wonderful grandchildren. Of course genealogy became her favorite hobby and she trained at the Institute of Genealogical and Historical Research at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. Additionally, she is also working on the in depth graded genealogical course offered by the National Genealogical Society. Carolyn is currently serving the Texas Society Daughters of the American Revolution as Co-Chair of the State Program Committee.

Carolyn believes to research, discover, and preserve her family’s heritage is valuable gift to leave to her children and grandchildren.

Perry Talks to HCRSPA

Randy PerryThe Henderson County Retired School Personnel Association (HCRSPA) enjoyed its monthly luncheon recently and then listened to an informative presentation by the Malakoff Superintendent of schools. A business meeting followed.

Henderson County Wildlife Committee Installation

Wildlife Committee

The Henderson County Wildlife Committee held their Installation and Awards Banquet Feb. 17. Henderson County Leadership Advisory Board Chairman Bob Miars instilled new members: Keith Butler, Hunter Woolsey, Marla McNemar, Clay Friedrich and Kelly Jo Sides. The installment also included; Christy Turner 2014 Chairman, Jennifer Hamrick Secretary, and Reid Rhodes Treasurer.

Holding with tradition, a wildlife feast was had by all attending. The evening gourmet meal included an entrée including duck, squirrel, and deer. A very special thank you goes out to the Henderson County 4-H Clover Kids for making homemade cookies and desserts.

The committee is looking forward to the first event of the year; the Spring Rendezvous. This is held annually at the Henderson County Fairpark in the first part of May. Over 500 fifth graders from across the county participate in this two-day event. The fifth graders spend the day rotating through the six stations: NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Services), Fishing Skills, Archery, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Shooting, and the Texas Game Wardens.

Henderson County Wildlife Committee is a program of the Texas AgriLife Extension. The committee is to provide education in wildlife and natural resources for both the adult and youth of Henderson County. To keep up with the committee’s activities check out their facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HendersonCountyWildlifeCommittee.

4-H Clover Kids Visit Purtis Creek State Park

clover kids

On Feb. 16, the Clover Kids all met up at Purtis Creek State Park. It was a perfect Sunday afternoon with beautiful weather. Mendy Davis was our Park Ranger who guided us on a nature hike. She was very informative explaining to the kids all the different animals and their habitats right there at the State Park. After the hike Mendy had a fun craft session for the kids to make their very own bird feeders! The kids loved the fact that they got to take the bird feeders home and feed the birds in their very own backyards. Thank you Mendy Davis, and everyone at Purtis Creek State Park for such a fun and informative day. I know our family will be back soon to camp and go fishing!

Our next Clover Kids meeting will be March 30, a Sunday, at 2 p.m. at the Henderson County Appraisal District. All is welcome to join including any new members. We will be working on our Trash Barrel for the decorating contest. I have some craft paint and paint brushes but you are more than welcome to bring some more with you.

For more information on 4-H Clover Kids visit our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/HendersonCounty4HCloverKids or text or call Club Manager Christy Turner at 903-477-0810.

For more information on 4-H contact the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Office at 903-675-6130

4-H is proudly supported by the United Way Fund.

DAR Awards

The Sarah Maples Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently presented several important awards.



The Sarah Maples Chapter of DAR gives “Good Citizens Awards.” This year, our award goes to Grace Kline who goes to Mabank High School. She is a member of the varsity and Panther Edition show choir. As a member of this organization she has been instrumental in planning and implementing of the fund raising events for the choir. She is a cadet girl scout and as one of her projects she educated three local day care centers about the importance of recycling for her silver award, which is the highest award a cadet girl scout can earn. She also weatherproofed a house for a family that needed help. She volunteers in the pre-school at her church and at nursing homes. As Grace’s minister says she is an exceptional young woman who has distinguished herself in church and community as both a leader and a servant. Grace is in National Honor Society and plans to attend the Stephen F. Austin College and major in Forest Wildlife Management. Congratulations go to Grace and keep up the good works.




The Sarah Maples Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution are so proud of the girls who have entered the essay contest this year. The American History Essay Contest topic this year was to pretend you are a boy or girl during the American Revolution. Using historical facts, discuss how the war is affecting your family and life.

This year the 8th grade winner is Lauren Farris who goes to the Mabank Junior High School. Her teacher is Laura Meurin, and principal is Barbie Conrad.
Lauren’s essay was in the form of a journal with entries spaced from 1773 to 1783 during which she matured from a young girl in a close family whose father and brother went to war. She and her mother had to hunt for food and protect their home. She grew up and became a married woman who has seen war up close and experienced the death of her father. The last entry said, “Finally we have our independence and now we can be a family again.”
Congratulations goes to Lauren for all the work she put into her essay, please keep up your studies and we hope you will always have an interest in history.



The Sarah Maples DAR always love it when the kids enter the essay contests. It gives us a chance to know the kids and see what they think about American History. Judges this year were Carolyn Bostain, Mary Beth Haley, Sarah Kendrick, Linda Mynar and Carole Ruska.

The American History Essay Contest topic for this year was to pretend you are a boy or a girl during the American Revolution. Using historical facts, discuss how the war is affecting your family and life.
Winner for the 5th grade is Maci McDowell who goes to school at the Mabank Intermediate School. Her teacher is Mrs. Hernandez and principal is James Pate.
Maci’s essay was from the perspective of a girl who pretended to be a boy and left home to find her father and uncle who had gone to fight in the war. She was wounded but recovered; however, her father died. She picked up her father’s sword and fought for her and the American’s people’s freedom.
It looks like Maci did her research. There were several women who dressed as men and entered the war. Some to be near their husbands and some just wanted to fight.
Congratulations Maci, and keep up the good work in your studies. We at Sarah Maples are very proud of you.
Each year the Sarah Maples Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution always choose an outstanding history teacher to receive the DAR award. This year Russell Pharmakis was chosen to receive the award. He teaches U.S. History, AP U.S. History, AP Government, AP Macroeconomics at Mabank High School. His principal, Brad Koskelin, nominated him for this honor. He also won third place in the state contest and will receive an award and check at the DAR conference next month in Dallas That means that out of almost 200 chapters in Texas, Russell came in third. That is wonderful.

Russell’s favorite method for getting students to use primary sources is to put them in the shoes of a historical figure at a critical time and see what their actions would be and why. This not only illustrates the difficulties facing the individual at the time, but suddenly transforms this stoic figure in history into a real  person with human frailties.  They begin to understand the issues at a much more personal level and can see how it may still affect us today.
Thank you Russell for being the teacher that you are and thinking outside the box.


Payton Bray is a senior at Kemp High School. She has been chosen as a “Good Citizen” from her school. She has been active in many organizations and has been treasurer and Vice President of Future Career and Community Leaders of America. She is a leader in fellowship of Christian Athletes. She is an Ambassador as a certified nurses assistant.

Payton has helped with Cedar Creek clean up, has worked with Habitat for Humanity, Blood drive and has also given blood and has helped with the senior citizen dance. Payton has been on the AB honor roll all four years and is a member of the Beta Club.
She was a team member at Whatz Up fun park. Tutored a seventh and eight grade student in math and has worked in a private home health service for an elderly woman. She works at Subway in Kemp, as a “Sandwich Artist”. Her employer finds that her dedication to service and hard work will ensure that we have another future leader for several generations.
So it is with great pride that the Sarah Maples Chapter selected Payton Bray as our “Good Citizen”. Payton we at Sarah Maples hope that you continue in your studies and as a Good Citizen.