Lois Welch Named PWC Volunteer of the Year for Third Time

Lois Welch

PWC press release

Since the inception of the Pinnacle Women’s Club in 1998, each year an individual receives the prestigious Volunteer of the Year award, singled out and recognized for her commitment to the organization and to the community. This year’s honoree, Lois Welch, a charter member of the PWC, now holds the distinction of being the club’s only three-time recipient, first in 1999-2000, secondly in 2002-2003, and now in the current calendar year, 2013-2014.

The difficulty of selecting one person amongst a group of dedicated members is always a daunting task, but for Pinnacle Women’s Club President Gail Fankhauser, Lois’ credentials made it simple. She has served in every capacity within the club, including twice as president, and this year alone her contributions included Publicity Chairman, Memory Garden Director, Membership and Neighborhood Directories, Bridge and Bookers member, Garage Sale participant, and mentor.

But, beyond this list is an intangible quality that defines volunteerism as though “being neighborly” was stitched into her character at a very early age. Her friends describe her as inspirational, supportive, warm-hearted, ever faithful, committed, humble, and caring. She never stops doing; is computer savvy; has an innate ability to motivate, and knows the smallest act of compassion can turn a life around; is persuasive in the nicest way with a definite opinion of how the PWC can grow with reverence to past successes… and forever a cheerleader and champion of the Club she loves dearly.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”

The Pinnacle Women’s Club is fortunate to have had Lois Welch, the visionary, at the helm for 16 years.

Rainbow Girls Hold Community Easter Egg Hunt


Rainbow Girls press release

The Gun Barrel City Masonic Youth Rainbow Girls and Pledges held a Community Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 13, at the Cedar Creek Lake Lodge in Gun Barrel City.  The event was attended well by children between the ages of 3 and 10.  There were LOTS of Easter eggs for the children to hunt with various goodies and coins hidden inside.  After all the eggs were found, the children had the opportunity to have their picture taken with the Easter Bunny.  This event was held not only for the enjoyment of the community’s children, but also to promote membership in the Gun Barrel City Rainbow Pledge group.  

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service-oriented, leadership organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20.  Rainbow Girls participate in a wide array of activities, including leadership training, service projects, competitions, and annual retreats.  Their younger group, the Pledges, have activities for girls ages 7 to 10.  Please contact Mrs. Donna Dean at 903-345-2001 or Mrs. Tonya Currey at 903-479-3542 for more information about the Rainbow Girls or visit www.txiorg.org.  The Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls and Pledges are proudly sponsored by the Cedar Creek Lake Masonic Lodge and the Gun Barrel City Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star on Legendary Lane in Gun Barrel City.

PHOTO: Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls (L-R) Emily Currey, Carrie Currey, Tara Trimmins, Kayla Rife, and Katie Schaefer. Dixie Rife in front with Easter Bunny (Michelle Sanderford).





HCRSPA Hear About Linus Project


After a spring/Easter luncheon, retired teachers of Henderson County enjoyed a presentation from Harla Greenwood about “Project Linus.” Project Linus provides love, a sense of security, warmth and security to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need, through gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer “blanketeers.” It is a non profit organization. As Linus says, you must give a teddy bear a hug, but a blanket will wrap you in a hug. Afterwards the business meeting was held and information was given to delegates going to the TRS state convention in Dallas.

DAR Lineage Research Workshop


The Sarah Maples chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) are busy helping prospective members get their papers in order. Geneice Morris is the Sarah Maples Registrar. That means that if you are trying to join the DAR you have to go through her. She helps by showing you where to look for the proof you need to join DAR. Sue Ann Hall and Clara Belle Roundtree are working on their papers now with help from Ruth Shelton.

There is a DAR Lineage Research Workshop on Thursday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Tri-County Library, 132 E. Market St. Mabank. This workshop is free and a light lunch will be served, it also includes all materials for the workshop. Pre-Register by April 18 by contacting Suzanne Fife Vice Regent of Sarah Maples at 903-432-3130 or [email protected].

If you have always wondered how to do the research involved these ladies will show you and help with the paper work. This workshop will help you find the documentation needed to join the DAR.

Pictured are: Sue Ann Hall, Geneice Morris, Clara Belle Roundtree, and Ruth Shelton.

Masonic Youth Celebrate Founding of Order

Pictured are, bottom row from left, Dixie Rife, Samantha Ramos, Shelby McGallian, Emily Currey, Michelle Sanderford, Kayla Rife, and Tara Trimmins; top row from left, Donna Dean, Linda Tracy, Tonya Currey (Mother Advisor), George Heitman, Lucy Gray, Mr. Gray, Howard Burson, Cheryl Nix, and Jennifer McGallian.

Masonic Youth press release

The Gun Barrel City Masonic Youth Rainbow Girls and Pledges attended church together at the Payne Springs United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 6, to celebrate the founding of their order, or Rainbow Sunday.  The Rainbow Assembly was represented by 18 Rainbow Girls, Pledges, parents, and Advisory Board members.  Following the service, a delicious brunch was enjoyed in the Fellowship Hall.  Also, this weekend, the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is celebrating 92 years of Rainbow!

This is a busy month for the Rainbow Girls as they start preparation to attend their State Conference in Waco in June.  The girls are working on their competitions as well as raising money to cover the expense of attending. 

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service-oriented, leadership organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20.  Rainbow Girls participate in a wide array of activities, including leadership training, service projects, competitions, and annual retreats.  Their younger group, the Pledges, have activities for girls ages 7 to 10.  Please contact Mrs. Donna Dean at 903-345-2001 or Mrs. Tonya Currey at 903-920-5608 for more information about the Rainbow Girls or visit www.txiorg.org.  The Gun Barrel City Rainbow Girls and Pledges are proudly sponsored by the Cedar Creek Lake Masonic Lodge and the Gun Barrel City Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star on Legendary Lane in Gun Barrel City.