Athens Scouting: Visit the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts at Meet the Teacher

ScoutsArea youth are cordially invited to join Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing Crew, and Sea Scouts. We will be at the meet the teacher night August 21 at Athens Intermediate School and on August 22 at both Bel Air Elementary and South Athens Elementary from 5:30-7 p.m. We will be at the First Christian Snow Cone booth. Come see us, we will be in Scout Uniforms so you will not miss us!!

The Boy Scouts of America offers numerous opportunities for youth to be involved in activities such as camping, hiking, fishing, sailing, field trips, and Pinewood Derbies. One of its greatest attributes, however, stems from the leadership and self-confidence that the program instills in youth.

Scouting units at First Christian Church include: Cub Scouts, for boys in grades 1-5; Boy Scouts, for young men in grades 5-12; Venturing Crew and Sea Scouts, a coed programs for older youth ages 14-18.

The scouts meet each Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. at First Christian Church. For further information please contact Tammy Dosserat by phone at 903-681-3538.

Rainbow Girls Attend Dallas Camp

Pictured are, from left, Carrie Currey, Emily Currey, Samantha Ramos, Katie Schaefer, Tara Trimmins, Kayla Rife, and Mrs. Tonya Currey (Mother Advisor) attend Dallas Rainbow Camp.
Pictured are, from left, Carrie Currey, Emily Currey, Samantha Ramos, Katie Schaefer, Tara Trimmins, Kayla Rife, and Mrs. Tonya Currey (Mother Advisor) attend Dallas Rainbow Camp.

Rainbow Girls press release

The Gun Barrel City Masonic Youth Rainbow Girls attended the Dallas Area Rainbow Camp on August 16 at the Oak Cliff Masonic Center. Rainbow Camp is a day-long opportunity for further instruction in their ritualistic floorwork as well as fellowship with other Rainbow Girls in the area and around the state.

After a morning of intense study and instruction, the girls were treated to a delicious Chicken Taco Stack lunch and a variety of cookies and cakes for dessert. Table decorations were tropical emblems and clown fishes to reflect the theme of Allison Fraze’s (Grand Worthy Advisor) term this year. Games followed lunch as well as a little more instruction. After attendance and achievement reports of the day, the girls sang “My Rainbow”–their state song–and said their goodbyes, knowing that many will see each soon for other area Rainbow Camps, events, and meetings. Continue reading “Rainbow Girls Attend Dallas Camp”

Looking to Place a Foreign Exchange Student

Rotary logoThe Rotary Club of Cedar Creek Lake needs help with placement of a foreign exchange student.

From the Rotary Club, via the Cedar Creek Lake Area Chamber of Commerce:

We have a Swedish boy, foreign exchange student whose host family backed out at the last minute. We are looking for host families … He is supposed to arrive sometime this month. He plays tennis and probably speaks better English than we do. If we can find two host families in MISD then he could go to Mabank High School. He is probably a Senior. Typically the dates are from August – December for the first family then from January to June or July when he would leave to go home for the second family. The family responsibility is to provide room, three meals a day and transportation to and from school, events, Rotary stuff etc. If you would like more information, please contact Barbara Turner at 903-498-4636. She is the Youth Exchange person in our Rotary district and can answer all the questions everyone has.

Ex FCC Enforcer to Speak at Cedar Creek Ham Radio Club


Radio Club press release

The Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club will feature a former FCC Enforcer as its guest speaker via Skype at its next meeting, Saturday, July 12, at 9 a.m. at the Mabank Café.

Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, held the title of Special Counsel for the Spectrum Enforcement Division of the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau until his retirement in 2008. A popular speaker at ham radio conventions nationwide, Hollingsworth visited with the CCARC last winter via Skype videoconferencing. He was such a hit with members that he will be back to tell more “war stories” about his career as chief enforcer for the FCC. Continue reading “Ex FCC Enforcer to Speak at Cedar Creek Ham Radio Club”

Rootseekers Learn About Betsy Ross

Pictured are, from left,  Carrie Anne Wilson Woolverton, Julie Gustafson, Margaret Ann Trail. (Courtesy Photo)
Pictured are, from left, Carrie Anne Wilson Woolverton, Julie Gustafson, Margaret Ann Trail. (Courtesy Photo)

The speaker at the June 17 meeting of the Rootseekers Genealogical Society was Carrie Anne Wilson Woolverton. The meeting took place at the Tri-County Library in Mabank. Carrie was dressed in period costume of the day. Her topic was Betsy Ross.

Betsy Ross was originally buried in the Free Quaker burial ground on North 5th Street in Philadelphia with her husband John Claypoole. Twenty years later, their remains were exhumed and transferred to Mt. Moriah Cemetery in the Cobbs Creek Park section of Philadelphia. In 1975 in preparation for the United States Bicentennial, the city ordered the remains moved to the courtyard of the Betsy Ross House. In 1976, the remains of Betsy Ross and John Claypoole were exhumed and transferred a third time to the garden of the Betsy Ross House where they can be visited today. Continue reading “Rootseekers Learn About Betsy Ross”