Kiwanis Pancake Day Coming Soon

raffleAthens Kiwanis Pancake Day is quickly approaching! Please mark Tuesday, March 3, at the Cain Center on your calendar. See any Kiwanian for presale tickets.

This year we will have raffle and silent auction in addition to the best pancakes and sausage in town. Tickets for the raffle are 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. Tickets can be purchased early from Prosperity Bank on the Square, Tilo’s, Lilly Enterprises, TVCC, Citizens National Bank and Heritage Land Bank.

Please help us with this crucial fundraiser so that we can continue to maintain Kiwanis Park and the many other programs we support.

Rootseekers Hear from Phyllis Vermillion

Pictured from left: Julie Gustafson, Phyllis Vermillion and Margaret Ann Trail. (Courtesy Photo)
Pictured from left: Julie Gustafson, Phyllis Vermillion and Margaret Ann Trail. (Courtesy Photo)

Rootseekers press release

Our speaker at the last meeting of the Rootseekers Genealogical Society was Phyllis Vermillion of the Henderson County Historical Commission in Athens. The Commission is located in the Old Jail at 201 East Larkin Street in Athens one block North from the courthouse. It is open on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 to 5. They have the genealogical papers of Bill Randolph. Phillis told us of 7,200 old marriage records that they would like to see given to family members. These records cover Van Zandt, Smith, Anderson, Henderson, Navarro and Kaufman Counties. All you have to do is fill out an application and tell how you are related to receive the marriage record. These records were never picked up after they were recorded, they begin in 1893. They even have Civil War pension records. They have a treasure trove of Historical Records. They approve the over 16,000 historical markers in the State of Texas. These are the markers you will see on the side of roads, parks, cemeteries and old homes and courthouses. To get one of these markers you must do your research and the Commission will even help you. Check out their webs site at Continue reading “Rootseekers Hear from Phyllis Vermillion”

Kiwanis Club Helps Bel Air BUGs

athensThe Athens Kiwanis Club has partnered with Bel Air Elementary to establish the BUGs (Bringing Up Grades) incentive program for third-graders there. Students who bring up their grades from one six weeks to the next in reading and/or math are recognized for their achievements. During Friday morning’s assembly, 89 students were recognized for gains in reading and/or math. Sixty-nine were recognized for improving in both subjects. All students are given certificates, and those who improve in both subjects are treated to a pizza party. Standing at far left (from left) are Kiwanis members Bobbie Hawkins, Matt Tyler and Colin Barrett, and Bel Air Principal Rosalie Dennis. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)

Rootseekers Install New Officers

IMG_0115_1Press release

The Rootseekers Genealogical Society newly elected board members were installed at the last meeting. Pictured, from left, are Marian Tillery- Treasurer, Nina Hendricks- Public Relations/Historian, Carolyn Bostian- Recording Secretary, Gaylon Patterson- 2nd Vice President, Skip Gustafson- 1st Vice President, Margaret Ann Trail- President. Not present in photo were Mary Beth Haley- Corresponding Secretary, Frank Donovan- Chaplain, Bob Stokes- Webmaster, Julie Gustafson- Editor.

Bob Stokes has been been working beyond the call of duty on our webpage. Anyone who is researching in the Mabank and surrounding area would do well to check it out. It is unbelievable all the information that Bob has done and its all searchable and he is still hard at it. Thank you Bob!

Frank Stokes no relation to Bob above has been hard at work also. He has reworked our computer in our genealogy room. He has installed Windows 7 and hooked up a new printer and the rest of us are raising money to buy more books for the genealogy room. As a group we have the best people and they are all a blessing.

Sarah Maples DAR Visits Retired Vets

IMG_01132Members of the Sarah Maples Chapter of DAR pay a visit to nursing homes to give retired vets a gift. We had 42 veterans this year and five of those were females. Mona was on her way to play games in the activity room which doubles as the dining room when we caught up to her. Mona was born and raised in Wisconsin. Ask how she wound up in Texas she said she came here to take care of a friend who was ill and then that friend died.. She told of her travels while she was in the service. She has been everywhere she says and loved every minute of it. (Courtesy Sarah Maples DAR)