Sarah Maples DAR welcomes new members

Photo, from left, Regent Susan Martz-Cothran, State Regent Judy Callaway Ostler, Brenda Price and Shadley Wiegmar. (Courtesy photo)
Photo, from left, Regent Susan Martz-Cothran, State Regent Judy Callaway Ostler, Brenda Price and Shadley Wiegmar. (Courtesy photo)

DAR press release

Sarah Maples Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Regent Susan Cothran and State Regent Judy Callaway did the swearing in of new DAR members Brenda Price and Shadley Wiegman on September 21.

Brenda Price has been married to Bill Price for 53 years and has six children, 23 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. They are a loving and patriotic family, enjoying their grands, into all kinds of sports and fellowship. They moved to the Lake area in 1993. They joined the First Baptist Church in Gun Barrel City where Bill is an associate Pastor and Brenda began chasing her ancestors.

Shadley worked in Oklahoma City, Salina, Kansas, and in Amarillo, Texas where she met and married her husband Glenn. They are the parents of two sons one who lives in Portland, Ore. and one in Tampa, Fla. Shadley worked as a public health nurse and with her husband they owned a Christian gift/bookstore. Shadley became interested in her family tree and it sparked a desire to become a DAR member



The Henderson County Retired School Personnel Association (HCRSPA) had its first meeting for the 2016-2017 year. After a pot-luck luncheon District VII President Linda Metteaurer talked to the group about Texas Retired Teacher’s Association’s (TRTA) coming year. HCRSPA meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month, September through May at the First United Methodist Church of Athens. Fellowship begins at 1:30 p.m. and the meetings begin at 2 p.m. All are welcome to come. (Courtesy photo)

Rainbow Girls hold carnival-themed meeting

Tara Trimmins, Worthy Advisor for Gun Barrel City #369 Rainbow Girls, helps to advertise the Carnival Membership Party in her tutu and bow tie. (Courtesy photo)
Tara Trimmins, Worthy Advisor for Gun Barrel City #369 Rainbow Girls, helps to advertise the Carnival Membership Party in her tutu and bow tie. (Courtesy photo)

Rainbow Girls press release

The Gun Barrel City Masonic Youth Rainbow Girls held a carnival-themed Membership Rush Party on Saturday, September 17. Four prospects and their parents and siblings attended. The event started out at 10 a.m. with an Open Rainbow/Pledge Meeting, followed by an enlightening question and answer time. Everyone then adjourned for a delicious nacho lunch with fruit kabobs and cake during which the Assembly accepted four applications for membership into Rainbow and Pledge. While the guests took a short break, the dining hall was transformed into a Carnival. In the afternoon, everyone enjoyed face painting, balloons, and games such as duck pond, ring toss, bean bag toss, sucker pull, pin the nose on the clown, and cake walk, as well as popcorn, cotton candy, and sno-cones!

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Mabank youth participate as Masons install new officers

13-Science Hill Masons, Grand Lodge Officers, & GBC RB GirlsPress release

The Gun Barrel City Assembly #369 Masonic Youth Rainbow Girls participated in the Installation of Officers for the Science Hill Masonic Lodge #211 in Athens on Friday, July 22. Emily Currey, Nicci Ferguson, and Katie Schaefer escorted the Masons to be installed. Carrie Currey (Sister of Victory, Grand Cross of Color Team, Grand Assembly of Texas, IORG) presented the incoming Worshipful Master, Dennis Currey, with his Bible. Emily Currey was honored to perform the Gavel Ceremony in presenting the new Worshipful Master with his gavel. The Installation was definitely a “family affair”–Carrie and Emily are Mr. Currey’s nieces, and his brother Adam spoke the Benediction.

The other Science Hill Masonic officers for this year’s term are: Kelly Cole, Senior Warden; David Sanderfer, Junior Warden; Roy Liberto, Treasurer; Clyde Kenneaster, Secretary; Carroll Dyson, Chaplain; Bobby Taylor, Senior Deacon; Rob Risko, Junior Deacon; Dale Richards, Master of Ceremonies; and David Williams, Tiler. It was a special honor to see the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Texas, Wendell P. Miller, serve as Installing Officer and Right Worshipful Ed Kirkpatrick serve as Installing Marshall.

Before the Installation Ceremony, a delicious dinner was served by the wives of the Masons.

The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a service-oriented, leadership organization for girls between the ages of 11 and 20. Rainbow Girls participate in a wide array of activities, including leadership training, service projects, competitions, and annual retreats. Their younger group, the Pledges, have activities for girls ages 7 to 10. Please contact Mrs. Tonya Currey at 903-920-5608 or Mrs. Donna Dean at 903-879-4305 for more information about the Rainbow Girls or visit The Gun Barrel City Assembly Rainbow Girls and Pledges are proudly sponsored by the Cedar Creek Lake Masonic Lodge and the Gun Barrel City Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star on Legendary Lane in Gun Barrel City.

Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club meeting set

club logo0001Press release

There are at least two organizations within amateur or ham radio. One is called RACES or Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service and the other is ARES or Amateur Radio Emergency Service.

What’s the difference and how they each help our local community? That’s the subject of the next meeting of the Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club (ARC). Here is a brief summary of the two services.

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