Mabank Student Places First in UIL Competition

Mabank ISD student Trinity Wennerstrom placed first in a recent UIL art memorization competition. Competitors were quizzed on 15 pieces of art and were required to use proper grammar and punctuation to advance to the finals in January.
Mabank ISD student Trinity Wennerstrom placed first in a recent UIL art memorization competition. Competitors were quizzed on 15 pieces of art and were required to use proper grammar and punctuation to advance to the finals in January.

By James Robertson

Mabank student Trinity Wennerstrom placed first in a preliminary UIL art memorization competition. She will now advance to the district and regional competition in January.

During the competition Wennerstrom and other competitors were required to memorize several pieces of art and take a test on them. She was required to use proper grammar, punctuation, and name the artist and title of the piece of work shown.

Mary Wennerstrom, her mother, says that she not only placed first in the competition but also received a perfect score.

Competitors were required to test on 15 portraits during the event held at the Mabank Administration Building. During the finals they will all be tested on 41 portraits, again following the same criteria.

“The competition was tough and challenging, but it was fun,” the first place winner declared.

Wennerstrom said that her daughter has a passion for the arts, both visual and musical.

“Trinity has a very creative mind,” said Wennerstrom. “She is very good at it and I expect her to place high at the big one as well. She will definitely represent MISD well.”

CCL Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

CCLA big THANKS to the CCLACC 2015 Board of Directors for their volunteer service and commitment to our organization. It’s going to be a great year! Pictured from left: Robbye Grissom/BnR Pit Grill (Treasurer), Marty Mullins/TexasAbility LLC, Michelle Sjerven/Statewide Surveying Services Kaufman, Tony Kalawe/Edward Jones Investments Athens (Secretary), Jim Thompson/Solar Turbines, Tracy Mitchell/Tracy Mitchell Custom Homes & Mitchell Outdoor Products, Derrick Hoelscher/Northeast Texas Insurance Group (back) (Vice Chair), Ralph Fortner/Southside Bank Gun Barrel City (Immediate Past Chair), and Bill Gallagher/PrimaData Inc. (Chair).

From the CCL Area Chamber Facebook Page

Applications for GBC Toys for Tots

The Gun Barrel City Toys for Tots will be accepting Christmas applications for families in need through December 12. Applications can be filled out Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. – noon or 1 p.m. – 3 p.m, at Gun Barrel City Hall located on Main Street.

We are accepting applications from residents of Gun Barrel City, Mabank, Seven Points, Payne Springs and Tool. All applications must have child’s social security card, birth certificate and the child must be currently living with the person applying.

The card is necessary not just for taxes, it also serves as an individual identification for all legal citizens of the United States. Each card has a unique 9-digit number that allows relevant authorities to get all details about the individual. In addition, a Social Security card allows a person to get benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) after retirement, in case of a disability or even apply for government grants. Therefore, if you lose your Social Security card, it can create a big problem for you. Here you will get thesocial security card replacement nc, do visit.

To change your name, you must show evidence of a legal name change. The evidence should identify you by both your old and new names, and have information about you that can be compared with old records, such as date of birth and parents’ names. If the evidence of legal name change doesn’t provide sufficient information, additional evidence will be requested. If you were born outside the U.S., you must also provide evidence of U.S. citizenship if not already shown on your record, or current lawful immigration status.

The number of replacement Social Security cards you can receive is limited to three per year, and ten per lifetime. The SSA will not count changes in legal name or a restrictive legend (such as Not Valid for Employment) in determining the limits. They may also grant exceptions on a case-by-case basis if you can establish a need for a card beyond these limits. For instance, you may obtain a letter from a social services agency stating that you must show the card in order to receive benefits.

The first requirement is to complete the official application for a Social Security card. The application can be found on the website for the Social Security Administration. This application can be filled out on your computer or printed out and filled in by hand printing.

Whether the applicant is a child or an adult, a legally admitted immigrant or newborn baby, the requirements are about the same. They include documentation proving citizenship, age and identity. All documents presented must be either originals or certified copies.

In any case, it may be necessary for the applicant to appear in person at his local Social Security office. The exception to this is the American born adult who is simply applying for a replacement Social Security card.

The process for replacing a lost SSN card is actually very simple. One simply has to submit a number of documents by mail or in person to the local Social Security Administration office. As long as there are no discrepancies in these documents, it is quite easy to get a replacement soon.

While the procedure can be easy, what happens between the time the card is lost and when it is replaced becomes very crucial. Identity theft is usually the biggest danger to losing one’s social security number. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the person to immediately inform local state and federal authorities, banks and other financial institutions about the loss. This way, they will be alerted and will decline all transactions using your lost card until you get a replacement anytime within the seventh to tenth week.

Should you ever suspect that somebody has been using your Social Security information, file a complaint right away with the Federal Trade Commission. Some people think identity theft only happens in movies. Of course, they do happen to real people. In fact, some individuals have actually ended up with whopping credit card bills to pay because someone took advantage of their lost card. Definitely, when you lose your SSN card, you need to report the incident immediately to authorities.

The person applying must have proof of residency in the form of a utility bill, driver’s license and proof of income. Find out certificate services by Birth Certificate Texas provides same day expedited rush Texas birth certificate and Texas death certificate obtainment services.

You may only apply to one organization. All applicants must complete an application on or by December 12, no later than 3 p.m. (no exceptions) to be considered. Please do not contact the Police Deptartment on the applications as they do not have the time or information needed to assist you.

Please visit us between the dates listed above if you have any further questions or contact the Toys for Tots president Jane Horton at 903-887-1289.

Gun Barrel City Gets Tool Fire Truck

gbc firePress release

The City of Tool received approval from the Texas Forestry Service to allow the transfer of Tool’s 2011 brush truck to Gun Barrel City Volunteer Fire Deparment.

Tool City Secretary Makenzie Blaser said, “The brush truck was received through a Rural Volunteer Fire Department Assistance Program (HB2604) in 2009, following the creation of the City’s Volunteer Fire Department. Per the grant requirement, the truck must be maintained in firefighting service by the original acquiring department for a period of 10 years, it also needs to have full coverage with a trucker insurance.”

According to Blaser, the grant was made possible through the Texas A&M Forest Service.

The city council made a motion, and approved to transfer the truck to the City of Gun Barrel City upon the request of Gun Barrel City Fire Chief Joey Lindaman. Gun Barrel City has agreed to continue to provide mutual aid assistance so that the truck would still remain in service to the citizens of Tool.

Drug Arrests in GBC

Police BeatPress release

On November 16, 2014 Deputy Brad Beddingfield obtained a narcotic search warrant for a residence on Maple Valley Road in the Tamarack Addition in Gun Barrel City. During the execution of the search warrant suspected narcotics were located as well as items commonly used to traffic narcotics. Christopher Morgan and Azzie Byler were arrested and charged with Manufacture Delivery of a Controlled Substance PG1 over 1 gram but under 4 grams. Azzie Byler was also charged with endangering a child. Also arrested at the scene were David Derhammer, who was charged with Possession of Marijuana 2 oz and Denise Bridges, who was charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. All four subjects were taken to the Henderson County Jail.

If convicted of the Second Degree Felony Charge of ManufactureDelivery of a Controlled Substance Charge Christopher Morgan and Azzie Byler could each face up to 20 years in the state penitentiary and up to a $10,000 fine.

Lieutenant Charles Severn, Investigators Wick Gabbard, Brad Gray, Billy Jack Valentine and Deputies Sargent Mitch Baker and Eric Cieri were involved in executing the search warrant along with the assistance of officers from the Gun Barrel City Police Department.