Ham Radio Demonstration A Success

Shoppers at Brookshire’s were greeted by three tents and these signs by the Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club.
Shoppers at Brookshire’s were greeted by three tents and these signs by the Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club.

Press release

The last weekend of June, each year, thousands of Amateur “ham” Radio operators leave their comfort zone and literally head to the field to test their skills and equipment.

The Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club was invited by the Mabank Brookshire’s store to set up the event next to their store, and the club happily did. Hundreds of shoppers were exposed to the operation and dozens of folks visited the hams and took literature. Continue reading “Ham Radio Demonstration A Success”

24-Hour Ham Radio Demonstration Set for Mabank

CCARC Red LogoPress release

There’s something special at Brookshire’s next weekend, from 1 p.m. to 1 p.m. June 27 and 28, and we’re not talking about a sale on navel oranges in produce.

We ARE talking about a 24-hour continuous demonstration of Amateur “ham” Radio in the lot adjacent to the Brookshire’s store in Mabank.

The last weekend of June each year is Amateur Radio Field Day weekend, and tens of thousands of ham radio operators worldwide take to the field and operate for 24 hours without using a local power source. Continue reading “24-Hour Ham Radio Demonstration Set for Mabank”

Pinnacle Women’s Club Installs Officers

Installation of Officers 2015-16

Outgoing Pinnacle Women’s Club president Jean Alexander thanked Shirley Lybrand and Cheryl Shaw for the beautiful table decorations and turned the program over to them for installation of new officers. They used a Hot Air Balloon theme to “send off” the new officers with their responsibilities. Char Richard was installed as Treasurer and given a green hat decorated with mail, a calculator and money; her gifts are diligence, honesty and charity. Joanna Linder, Secretary, was given a pink hat with a notepad, computer, pencils and post-it-notes; her gifts are posterity and organization. Teresa Cromer will be the Vice President wearing a blue hat with a calendar, speakers, donations and a menu; her gifts were fidelity, service and ideals. Charlotte Pechacek as President wears a purple hat with a gavel, big heart, time for others, lighthouse beacon and her gifts are teaching, learning, leading and following. New President Charlotte Pechacek said she was thrilled and honored to hold this office and announced the 2015-16 Committee Chairmen. She thanked everyone for their willingness to serve. (Courtesy photo)

Famous Sound Engineer to Speak at Cedar Creek Radio Club

Bob Heil

Press release

Bob Heil, a nationally known sound and radio engineer will be the guest speaker via Skype at the Cedar Creek Amateur Radio Club meeting June 13.

Heil is best known for creating the template for modern rock music sound systems and made innovations in sound engineering that lead to the stage monitors and sound systems we have today. He founded Heil Sound in 1966, and created unique touring sound systems for The Grateful Dead, The Who and many others. He invented the Heil Talk Box in 1973, creating a distinctive sound used by Peter Frampton, Joe Walsh, and others. Heil has been an innovator in amateur radio, manufacturing microphones and other equipment for hams, and Co-op satellite tour for broadcasters and sound engineers. He has won multiple awards and honors, and was the first manufacturer to be invited to exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Continue reading “Famous Sound Engineer to Speak at Cedar Creek Radio Club”

Rootseeker Garage Sale Success

IMG_0147The Rootseekers Garage Sale held in Baywood Estates on May 2 was a success. The brains of the outfit was Gaylon Patterson and he skipped out before the photo was made. We wish to thank all who came to buy and all who came to work. The money collected will go to buy books for the Genealogy Room at the Tri-County Library. It takes a lot of work to hold a garage sale but Gaylon had a lot of help from this motley crew and Diane Reece gave him a lot of advice. The Genealogy room will be open on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 to 12 with someone to help anyone wishing to learn about their family history. Photo: Julie and Skip Gustafson, Carolyn Bostain, Jim Gamblin, Margaret Ann Trail, Priscilla Berry, Geneice Morris and Helen Preston not shown Gaylon Patterson, Diane Reece, and Nina Hendricks. (Courtesy photo)