TxDOT to close FM 1616 for repairs starting Wednesday

FM1616 Widening Project

Press release

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) announced closures for FM 1616 in Athens for emergency repairs. The first closure is set to occur Wednesday, June 8.

According to TxDOT, pipes that run under the roadway have to be replaced necessitating two separate closures of the roadway. FM 1616 is currently being widened with the project on schedule to be completed in the summer. The contractor, Big Creek Construction, discovered problems within the existing culverts during inspections for the widening project. Continued storms caused the issues to require immediate attention.

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City of Athens issues Call for Projects

Athens LogoPress release

For a second consecutive year, the City of Athens is issuing a Call for Projects for the upcoming fiscal year to solicit funding opportunities for tourism promotion. The call for proposed tourism-related projects is specifically designed to attract overnight visitors to Athens and is open to eligible organizations located within the Athens city limits or its ETJ.

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Sign up now for ‘My World, My Backyard’ at the Arboretum


“My World, My Backyard” will be hosted by the East Texas Arboretum twice this summer.

– Tuesday, June 14: From 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., come buzz around with us as we hike through the woods and grounds at the Arboretum. Bring a friend and explore the great outdoors. Please sign up by June 10.

– Thursday, July 7: From 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., come hike with us to see what we can spy at the Arboretum. Then turn your findings into a project. Bring a friend and explore the great outdoors. Please sign up by July 5.

Children will be inside and outside during the day, so wear comfortable play clothes, shoes and sunscreen. Snacks and water will be provided. Children must bring a sack lunch. Registration fee is $20 per day for Arboretum members and $25 for non members.

For information, call the East Texas Arboretum at 903-675-5630.

AHS Top 10 Percent dinner


The Athens Public Education Foundation provided Athens High School graduates in the top 10 percent of their class to a dinner at Athens Country Club Thursday. Pictured are (from left) Grant Hirsch, Carter Ferrell, Jonathan Bywaters, Hayden Gore, Jack Amheiser, Jakob Smith, Ben Van Der Colff, Brent Shultz, Shane Ellis, Jeremy Bateman, Luke Eldore, Jose Contreras, and (seated, from left) Allison Hardin, Candace Clemmons, Stephanie Ritz, Lydia Strand, Madison Womble, Sarah Bandy, Janette Gomez, Hanna Baker and Daniela Cerrillo. Not pictured is Mason Mikkelsen. (Toni Garrard Clay/AISD)