First day of football practice for the 2016 season

Monday saw the first day of football practice across the state for the 2016 season.

Michael V. Hannigan stopped by Athens Hornets practice and spoke for a bit with Coach Paul Essary, who said, “Guys are out here working extremely hard. They came in in good shape. It’s just great to be out here working football.”

Watch the video with Coach Essary and some other scenes from practice.

Judge says too many people fail to show for jury duty

It's just one of the duties of being a citizen like military duty

By Michael V. Hannigan/HCN

Did you know that the right to “Trial by Jury” is listed among the usurpations by King George in the Declaration of Independence? The right to bear arms isn’t in there and neither are any religious issues — but the right to a jury was recorded as one of the reasons for the Revolution.

Continue reading “Judge says too many people fail to show for jury duty”

City of Athens considers forensic audit

The Athens City Council will consider ordering a forensic audit of the city’s financials at its meeting this evening at the Athens Partnership Center.

The forensic audit is being considered because City officials have identified about $1 million in additional funds they didn’t expect that they want to ensure were accounted for on the City’s books. Officials also are looking into why it appears the City was understating its available resources in the past.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m.

((Follow HCN reporter Michael Hannigan on Twitter and Instagram @mvhannigan))

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Visit to Disciples Clinic of Athens

The Disciples Clinic of Athens offers basic medical and dental services for residents of Henderson County, Texas, who have no medical insurance, and who meet income and age requirements established by the Board of Directors. Applicants must work at least 20 hours per week.

The clinic is supported by donations and staffed almost completely by volunteers.