Note: Vivian Anderson Castleberry is a 1940 graduate of Athens High School who was inducted into the inaugural class of the Hornet Hall of Fame during a Sept. 15, 2016, gala. During her 28 years as an editor at the Dallas Times Herald, she revolutionized how women’s news was covered. She retired in 1984 and started Peacemakers Incorporated, which continues to this day to promote the pursuit of peaceful resolution and women’s empowerment globally. She is a member of the Texas Women’s Hall of Fame and the namesake of the University of North Texas Castleberry Peace Institute.
Dear Athens,
I have been re-experiencing all the lovely things that happened to me in Athens over the weekend. From the moment I signed in with Stephanie at Holiday Inn Thursday until my daughters Cathy and Chanda and I signed out Saturday morning at 11, it could not have been a more perfect experience. My appreciation to Toni Clay who looked after me from the first invitation through the final good-bye is boundless, and I am enriched by everyone who touched my life during the 43 hours I was “back home.”
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