By Kate Pittack/Extension 4-H Agent
Did you always know what you wanted to be when you grew up? I sure didn’t. While I’m not all that old, it seems like some of the tools available when I was in high school in the 90’s were a little archaic as far as helping me decide my career path. I remember taking a 100 question multiple choice “test” and then waiting for the dot matrix printer (remember the type that took the paper that had the little holes on the side to feed through?) to give me my results. Out of the 50 different things this test determined I would be good at, “Boilermaker” was one. What?!? My 17-year-old self had to go consult the World Book Encyclopedia to find out what that even meant. It turns out a Boilermaker is a trained craftsman who produces steel fabrications from plates and sections. Hmm…..seeing how I was not good with any sort of power tools or able to weld, I seriously questioned the validity of this career test.