Bulldog Report from the Eustace Booster Club

What a great week the Bulldogs had last week!

All three volleyball teams are still undefeated in district play. If you missed Saturday’s game against Palmer, you missed a good one. The Ladydogs were down two games and come back to win the next three. Very exciting.

Varsity football beat Kemp, bringing the varsity boys to 1-0 in district play. The JV tied with Kemp.

I don’t have any results for cross country.

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Cain Center to open Tuesday

The Cain Center will reopen at 5 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1, after being closed the past two days for flooding.

The center was closed Sunday and Monday to clean up after water damage both upstairs and downstairs from heavy rains.

The news was announced on the Cain Center Facebook page Monday afternoon.

On a post on Henderson County Now’s Facebook page, Executive Director Tere Lawyer said, “Kudos to the great staff for working hard on getting things back in shape so quickly. Thanks for everyone’s patience and understanding as we dealt with this issue.”

Walk Like MADD event Oct. 19

It is almost time to Walk Like MADD. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 19, in Gun Barrel City.

WALK like MADD is Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s signature walk event. In more than 60 cities around the nation, thousands of people will participate in 5K events to celebrate creating a brighter future without drunk driving and underage drinking.

There were more than 1,200 DUI deaths in Texas in 2012, which accounted for 40 percent of all traffic deaths in the state for the year.

“It is obvious we need to keep proclaiming the MADD message against drinking and driving,” said this year’s event chairman, Jeff Weinstein. “For almost 30 years, I have devoted my life to helping accident victims recover from their injuries, both physical and emotional. In that time, I have seen many unfortunate events, most of which could have been avoided if not for the carelessness of another.”

You can sign up to help us take a stand against drinking and driving. Just click the link to sign up to walk, make a donation, or be a sponsor.

Cain Center closed because of water damage

Executive Director Tere Lawyer said the Cain Center would be closed at least through Monday because of extensive water damage after Saturday’s torrential rain in Athens. We had to start doing a lot of Water Damage Restoration. The update came Saturday night in posts to the Cain Center Facebook page and Henderson County Now. The torrential rain causes lots of problems across the town so we’re trying to get it fixed as quickly as possible. Lots of homeowners have had their homes destroyed and it’s very upsetting to see.

Professional restoration companies like erie restoration, will arrive in your place of emergency within the hour, for the most part. They know that time is of the essence and prompt attention to your emergency will lessen the duration and cost of the restoration project. These experts arrive ready to assess the water damage in your home and start drying out the property immediately. They also tell you if you require a roof repair service., if your water damage was caused by bad weather as this type of damage requires immediate attention. The trucks are equipped with gear and supplies necessary for any fire, smoke, sowot and water restoration job. Professional water extraction and drying tools that are used for water removal from your property are industrial strength and are designed for any type of repair and restoration efforts. They truly offer dependable, competent and personalized service for a variety of disaster recovery situations. You can click here now for more about the water damage restoration company.

It is the process of repairing a house or property to its pre loss condition. Damage to the property could be because of an overflow, flood or any other water damage event. The water damage restoration process involves several key procedures like loss assessment, categorization based on the water contamination levels, decontaminating and drying the structure, monitoring of the process and completion of the process. The S500 damage due to water guide is the benchmark tool that is used by companies that specialize in restoration of water damage.

This is where water damage control and clean-up companies offer the most value. Obviously, I would reccomend looking around for prevention tips for water damage, but when it’s too late it’s best to call in the experts. It will take you several hours of research and learning to figure out the best restoration plan for your house while a professional restoration company will often have years of experience on their hands. Their experience and their expertise will allow them to immediately go to work on restoring your property in the most time-efficient and cost-efficient manner. They will also be able to advise you about potential problems with the construction of your house that might lead to future water damage problems.

The water damage contractor needs to be certified by the IIRC that also provides certifications to inspectors, restorers, mold inspectors and other specialists in water damage removal. They must also bear a contractor’s license. If you want to check, contact the licensing board in your state. Confirm the number and status of the contractor’s license. Also, make sure that the experts have years of experience already in the business. This means they know more or less how to handle the different issues concerning flood water damage restoration.

Lawyer said the damage was both upstairs and downstairs.

“We are extremely sorry for any inconvenience and will be up and running as soon as possible,” she said.

No more SNAP Challenge

By Michael V. Hannigan

After five days of the SNAP Challenge, I have called an end to the experiment. Technically, Jeff and I were supposed to go through the weekend, but after a really long week, I want to be done.

Jeff was ready to finish out, but my family has some weekend plans I want to enjoy. I admit it: I bailed out.

But five days was long enough to learn two important facts:

1. I can live on only $4.80 a day for food and drink.

2. I don’t want to.

Which also answers, for me at least, two of the big questions that started this challenge for us. Is the food stamp allowance a pittance as some have said, or is it a luxury as others say?

I say the answers are no and no.

I have written elsewhere that with planning, cooking, and controlled portions, you can do OK on SNAP.

But it also means no restaurants and little in between snacks …. and I REALLY wanted an unsweet Arnold Palmer (half tea, half lemonade). I have had nothing but water or coffee for 5 days.

So I was ready to be done, and yes I know that proves that I was never living the same life as the folks who are really on SNAP — I didn’t have any skin in the game, as Jeff says. I accept that criticism.

But five days were enough for me.

Thanks for the conversation this week … we didn’t come to any answers other than education is the key, but we will continue doing things to try and spark the debate.