AMA stands for “Ask Michael Anything,” and is a chance for readers to ask reporter Michael V. Hannigan questions about Henderson County. Ask questions through our Facebook Page or our website.
QUESTION: When I mentioned AMA on our Facebook Page last week, I received several questions about TxDOT projects.
Amy Dredla would like to know if there’s anything in the plans for the intersection of Loop 7 and FM 1616, which locals know is very dangerous. “I have seen Loop traffic (on several occasions) actual come to a complete stop, obviously confused by the overwhelming intersection. Those of us who live in the area know to be cautious. It is the new drivers, and the visitors that I am concerned about,” she said.
Gage Guinn would like to know the status of the widening of Highway 175 between Poynor and Baxter.
SOURCES: Texas Department of Transportation Public Information Officer Larry Krantz, who works out of the Tyler District Office.
ANSWER: I don’t think either Amy or Gage is going to like the answers.
Amy: Sorry, there aren’t any plans at this time for that intersection.
“We were looking at building an overpass there about seven years ago, but it never moved forward,” Larry said.
Gage: Apparently the widening of US 175 is still in the plans … there’s just no money for the project. That plan is part of the Texas Trunk System series of projects, and funding for that has dried up.
Larry said TxDOT continues to do things like purchase right-of-way and continue planning so that the project is “shovel ready” if the money is ever appropriated.
“We’re ready to move forward if funding ever materializes,” he said. “We’re hopeful it will be funded sooner rather than later, but there is no money for it right now.”