AMA stands for “Ask Michael Anything,” and is our readers’ chance to ask reporter Michael V. Hannigan questions about Henderson County.
QUESTION: Reader Jessica Crye asked if Athens is getting a Cotton Patch restaurant, like she’s heard. She messaged me the question through our Facebook page.
SOURCES: Athens City Secretary Pam Watson and Athens Director of Planning & Development Gary Crecelius.
ANSWER: Maybe.
I visited Watson this morning and we talked about Cotton Patch, and while we talked she called Crecelius to double check the information.
Although nothing has been decided at this point, the folks at Cotton Patch are talking with the city about locations. One possible landing spot is near the new Pizza Hut on State Highway 31.
These things are a process and you never know what could happen … but as of this morning, it is the opinion of city officials that Cotton Patch is actively exploring the option of coming to Athens.
Another restaurant. Without more jobs, more restaurants aren’t going to help the economy that much. Right now, there are only x amount of dollars available for people to use for eating. As gas prices rise, the number drops. And while they might move their dollars from one place to another, they won’t spend that much more money doing so. So it’s the same amount of money being spent in the end, it’s just being spent in different places.
I do understand your point … you might be interested in the AMA I wrote earlier in the week that touches on exactly that subject.
That would be great, we need more restaurants around here and the Cotton Patch is a great one to have. My husband and I are also opening a bbq restaurant in Eustace next Wed. “Hoodies Hangout”, we are tired of eating at the same places over and over and over again, we hope to give everyone a new place to eat and hope the Cotton Patch comes as well!!!