AISD financial status ‘very positive,’ says auditor

By Toni Garrard Clay/Athens ISD Communications Specialist

The financial report was a good one at the recent Athens ISD Board of Trustees meeting. J.W. Lambright of Smith, Lambright & Associates, reported the results of his firm’s independent, annual audit of the school district’s finances for the year ended June 30, 2015.

“Your financial status as far as cash and fund balance is very positive,” Lambright told the board. “We did not have any negative comments on anything we looked at. … You demonstrate good budget management and a good budget process.”

Randy Jones, chief financial officer for Athens ISD, was pleased to once again end the fiscal year with a strong financial performance and position. “This is testimony to the continuing conservative, common-sense leadership provided by the AISD board of trustees, executive team and administrative leadership,” he said.

In other board news, the trustees hired Amy Hoffman for a teaching position at Bel Air Elementary. They chose Jack Bailey to continue representing the school district on the Henderson County Appraisal District Board of Directors. They approved stipends in the amount of $500 for the district’s two registered nurses for additional duties required this school year. And they approved additions and revisions of local policies as recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards Policy Service.