Athens ISD press release
Seventy members of the “Pride of the Hornets” Athens High School Band competed at UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest Saturday in Lindale. Forty earned first division ratings, for a total of 45 medals. Twelve qualified for state.
Those who earned first-divisions are Juan Aguilar, Luisa Arenas, Jordan Bennett, Bryce Bowman, Jonathan Bywaters, Michelle Bywaters, Noah Capps, Candace Clemmons, Ian Collins, Elian Cordero, Mollie Davies, Baylee DeShazo, Kolemann Dooley, Evan Ellis, Pedro Fraire, Cindy Garcia, Maria Garcia, Ricardo Garcia, Gerardo Godinez, Devin Hembree, Will Honea, Russell Ingram, Breonna Jackson, Darien Lambert, Yuvia Leon, Dakota Lindsey, Dylan Lindsey, Brian Lookabaugh, Brenda Lopez, Joseph Mahmoud, Allison Martinez, Juan Martinez, Eli McCool, Grace McCool, Caity Pace, Jakob Smith, Kelsey Torres, Ben van der Colff, Kaylea Westover and Vernice Williams.
The 12 who qualified for the UIL State Solo and Ensemble competition to be held in Austin at the end of the school year are Aguilar, Bennett, Bowman, J. Bywaters, M. Bywaters, Dooley, Godinez, Dakota Lindsey, Mahmoud, J. Martinez, E. McCool and Smith.