Add Henderson County Now to Your Favorites

Do you enjoy Henderson County Now on Facebook, but seem to be missing our posts more often? That’s because of Facebook.

Facebook has a complicated process called an algorithm to decide what shows up in your news feed. The algorithm has recently been changed to reduce the number of posts you see from Pages like Henderson County Now. The frequency has been cut in half and reports say it is going to be cut even more.

You can make it very easy to follow HCN with just one click, however, and that’s by using an interest list. Here’s how.

STEP 1: First subscribe to the interest list I’ve created called “HCN Feed” by clicking this link.

STEP 2: Now “HCN Feed” should show up under your Interests. Hover over the link until you see the pencil to the left, click that to give you the drop down box and click “Add to Favorites. If “HCN Feed” is not under Interests on the left side of your screen, hover over the word Interests until you see the “more” and click. That will give you a list of all your interests. Again click the pencil and click “Add to Favorites.”


STEP 3: You will now see “HCN Feed” up with your News Feed at the top left of your screen. Just click that link anytime you want to see all our posts.
