ACPA Learns About World War II


ACPA press release

Students at Athens Christian Preparatory Academy wrapped up a 6-week integrated study about World War II and the Holocaust. Students read novels, wrote papers, and did projects relating to the topic. Students also visited the Holocaust Museum in Dallas and the Cavanaugh Flight Museum in Addison. Special speakers were brought in to talk about their personal experiences.

The study culminated in a World War II Integration Day where teams of students researched various topics about the war and then placed their printed project on a 20-foot timeline in the school’s library. By the end of the day the whole timeline was filled. ACPA faculty did a presentation on atomic and nuclear energy/weapons which was followed by a debate on the use of nuclear weapons in the world.

Lunch was served from a recipe taken from the government issued Rations Cookbook of the time. After lunch, the girls were taught how to do a “victory roll” hairdo, and the guys were treated to a recount by Mr. Dylan Taylor, ACPA faculty member, of his family’s involvement in the war.

The day ended with a “USO Dance” where students learned dance moves from the Big Band Era.




VetPic: Terry Ford, Ashley Loflin, WWII Veteran Charlie Jackson, Rachel Benson, and Mason Womble.

Hairdo: Rebecca Whitten and Madison Fowler.

USO2: Foreground is Jordan SanMiguel and Micah Santelli.