About the Clothesline Project


East Texas Crisis Center press release

The concept is simple – let each woman tell her story in her own unique way, using words and artwork to decorate her shirt. Once finished, she would then hang her shirt on the clothesline.

This very action serves many purposes. It acts as an educational tool for those who come to view the Clothesline; it becomes a healing tool for anyone who make a shirt – by hanging the shirt on the line, survivors, friends and family can literally turn their back on some of that pain of their experience and walk away; finally it allows those who are still suffering in silence to understand that they are not alone.

The shirts are color coded to show the form of abuse and whether the victim survived the abuse they experienced.

  • White represents women who died because of violence;
  • Yellow or beige represents battered or assaulted women;
  • Red, pink, and orange are for survivors of rape and sexual assault;
  • Blue and green t-shirts represent survivors of incest and sexual abuse;
  • Purple or lavender represents women attacked because of their sexual orientation;
  • Black is for women attacked for political reasons.

If you are a victim or know someone who is, call the East Texas Crisis Center at 903-675-2137 or 1-800-333-0358.

This video is from 2014.

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