AEDC announces call for Business Assistance Grant applications

AEDC’s Business Assistance Grant program encourages exterior improvements to properties located within the designated beautification area, along the western and northern corridors of Athens. Businesses must apply by February 1 to be considered for 2018 funding. (Courtesy photo)

Press release

Athens Economic Development Corporation has awarded nearly $90,000 in matching grant funds to eligible businesses located along the western corridor of Athens, since the Business Assistance Grant program’s inception in 2014. This will enable the businesses to implement what’s on, which will boost their sales and transform the place from a budding business place to a blooming marketplace.

AEDC Board of Directors approved new additions to the program that will allow properties located on the north corridor to be eligible to apply for the grant. Furthermore, first-time applicants will have an opportunity to receive a higher percentage of matching funds.

Properties visible from the Courthouse square or within one block from the square are eligible, as well as properties located from the square along U.S. Highway 175 west to the loop or Highway 31 west to Emma Street. Additional properties visible from the square along Highway 19 north to Needmore Street have been included in the designated beautification area.

Grants from 50 to 80 percent can apply to improving facades, signage, property, such as landscaping, lighting, sidewalk, parking lot improvements, and demolition. The program is designed to encourage exterior improvements to properties located along these two high traffic thoroughfares leading into Athens.

To be considered for this year’s round of funding, applications must be received by February 1. Eligible applications will be reviewed and scored for recommendation to AEDC’s Board followed by City Council approval.

Applications are available online at or at AEDC, 201 W. Corsicana Street, in the Athens Partnership Center. For more information, call 903-675-4617.