City of Athens issues Call for Projects

Athens LogoPress release

For a second consecutive year, the City of Athens is issuing a Call for Projects for the upcoming fiscal year to solicit funding opportunities for tourism promotion. The call for proposed tourism-related projects is specifically designed to attract overnight visitors to Athens and is open to eligible organizations located within the Athens city limits or its ETJ.

According to state law, revenues from the Hotel Occupancy Tax must be used to support activities that promote tourism and demonstrate a positive benefit to the local hotel industry. In addition, project requests must fit within one of nine statutorily required categories. Some of these categories include, promotion of the arts, historic restoration and preservation, and tourism advertising and promotion.

The City will accept applications for funding considerations until 5 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5. Application packets are available through the City of Athens website ( or in-person at City Hall, located at 508 E Tyler Street. Applications will be reviewed by City Staff and the Tourism Advisory Council beginning in July and recommendations for funding awards will be made to the City Council in August.

Organizations interested in applying for Hotel Occupancy Tax funds are encouraged to contact Thanasis Kombos, Community Development Manager at 903-675-5131 or via email at [email protected].