Sheriff says arrest marks start of making county ‘a drug unfriendly zone’

Police BeatPress release

Henderson County Sheriff Botie Hillhouse announced the arrest of a man in the Bonita Point subdivision for possession of suspected methamphetamines, citing it as the beginning of his promised campaign against illegal drugs.

“For too long bad people have believed they could do as they please with illegal drugs in Henderson County,” Hillhouse said. “That stops today.”

On Tuesday, Sheriff Deputies Kyle Pochobradsky and Duane Sanders arrested 35-year-old Jacob Waymire and charged him with possession a suspected illegal drug.

The Deputies were initially responding to a domestic disturbance call at 331 Sailfish. When they arrived, they observed a white male exiting the rear of the residence through a bedroom window.

After a short foot pursuit, Waymire was captured and taken into custody. Waymire was transported to the Henderson County Jail.

He was charged with possession of a controlled substance and evading arrest with previous conviction and could face between 2 and 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine if convicted.

“This is the first step in this department’s campaign to make this county a drug unfriendly zone,” Hillhouse said. “Let it be known to dealers and users alike, illegal drugs in any amount, no matter how large or small, will not be tolerated under my watch.”

6 thoughts on “Sheriff says arrest marks start of making county ‘a drug unfriendly zone’”

  1. Most of them do, do what they want. The cops have too many drug dealing/using informants that they don’t mess with. Even when they almost beat their wives to death. Namely Stewart Pryor.

  2. If he wants to ramp up his campaign immensely, stay in the neighborhood (out of sight) for a week or so and he’ll rack up drug arrests. Dealers and users everywhere there. I moved out of that neighborhood because there are so many in such a tiny neighborhood. Everything in sight gets stolen as well. A shame, pretty little place tucked away.

  3. Don’t be delusional! War on drugs is not working! Most of these people need to be in a rehab for about two years! Jail is not working!

  4. If he wants to really clean up Henderson County , he could stop 90 % of the crime by sending every addict they arrested to a county drug rehab . not to jail. the county would save money and clean up the drug and crime problem. most of the thefts are by drug addicts trying to get money for drugs . if the county would build and run a rehab it would pay for itself in a few years just on property thefts alone… and the county would be getting a return on the taxes these addicts start paying when they get out and go to work.

  5. The only way to solve any crime or addiction is through Jesus Christ!! Hillhouse is doing the best he can with what he’s got… These addicts need to know the only way to freedom is from knowledge of the truth which is the word of God! And the bible in Luke it says that “he came to find lost people and saved them”
    Only God can restore a broken soul and turn a sinner into a saint. We ALL fall short of the glory of God but he still loves us UNCONDITIONALLY! He gives us new mercies and fresh manna everyday! I encourage you to pray for your neighbors!!

  6. Go deputy hill house I am so happy that they are finally getting dealt with I have been living in fear in my area for far too long #teamhillhouse

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