Athens Director of Development Amy Williams resigns

Athens Director of Development Amy Williams, left, speaks to City Secretary Bonnie Hambrick. Williams last day with the City is April 22.
Athens Director of Development Amy Williams, left, speaks to City Secretary Bonnie Hambrick during Monday night’s City Council meeting. Williams last day with the City is April 22. (Michael V. Hannigan photo)

By Michael V. Hannigan/HCN

Athens Director of Development Amy Williams has decided government work isn’t for her. After six months with the city, she has handed in her letter of resignation.

Williams had never worked in government before her current stint with the City of Athens and said she has learned that working in the public sector is not a good fit for her.

“I believe that there is a great team in place under your leadership,” she wrote in her resignation letter to City Manager Philip Rodriguez, “and there are great things to come if you and the City staff have the ability to steer the City in a positive direction.”

Williams’ last day will be Friday, April 22.

Rodriguez announced Williams’ decision during Monday night’s City Council meeting.

“Amy has really been a trooper for us in helping us identify some longstanding issues, particularly in the water and sewer areas,” Rodriguez said. “She has really helped us move from a point of deferred maintenance to really confronting those issues.”

During Williams time, the City Council approved nearly $750,000 for fixing critical issues in the water and sewer system, including:

– conducting a multilevel design project to remedy low pressure in the water distribution system; and,

– conducting a multilevel design project to remedy deficiencies in the North Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Rodriguez said, “(Williams) did some very difficult work in that process, particularly I think from a political standpoint. She really had to take a lot of pressure in identifying those things for us. We are very eager to keep moving forward and we are indebted to her for helping us get through a pretty difficult time for us as a city.”