Lila Lane gets new executive director

Former Lila Lane Outreach, Inc. Chairman of the Board Craig Gutermuth took over as the facility’s executive director in February after retiring from East Texas Medical Center Athens. He started out at Lila Lane two years ago teaching a Bible study.

Lila Lane is a residential facility offering men a recovery program.

Lila Lane’s mission “is to produce Christian men to further the kingdom of God and to lead productive and honorable lives for their families and communities.”

Gutermuth said if residents can do that, “then substance abuse will be behind them.

“We do really good work here,” he said.

Gutermuth will be reaching out to area churches to tell them that there is an opportunity to serve in Athens.

“We want the community to know there’s a mission field in their backyard,” he said.

Those interested in helping Lila Lane with its mission can contact Gutermuth at 903-203-0657, 903-292-1766, or 903-292-1765.

Lila Lane Outreach, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit located at 101 Lila Lane in Athens.