Around the Town: Biking for Pam


By Loretta Humble/Around the Town 

Pam Carter Dowell
Pam Carter Dowell

Have you ever known anybody you thought was nearly perfect? I mean, not that they couldn’t have a bad hair day, not that they know everything there is to know, but I’m talking about somebody who is “just right” in so many ways, they amaze you. I’ve known three, maybe four, in my life.

These people are smart, innovative, unfailingly generous and kind, totally loyal to their friends and family and the place where they work. And while I’m sure this isn’t always true, the ones I’ve known are beautiful on the outside, too.

The one I’m talking about today is Pam Carter Dowell. She is all the above and more. But right now Pam has a major problem. She has been having back problems for a while, and then they started operating on her, and during five operations she developed complications that they think may be fixed now. When she gets out she will face a long rehabilitation period, probably around six weeks. Pam, who started out as a nurses aide, is now Rehab Department Manager at Cedar Lake Nursing Home. In her over 20 years with us, surely once or twice in all those years somebody has had something bad to say about her, but I’ve never heard one negative word. We who know and love her are heartbroken, both for her having to go through this, and for ourselves, because her being gone leaves a huge hole at Cedar Lake Nursing Home. And even though Pam has insurance, something of this length can still be devastating.

20160123_121042_resized_1So three of our Nurse Managers, Jacque Williams, Mary Jo Spivey, and Olivia McMahon, decided to give Pam’s friends a chance to show her some love and support. Now, besides being an excellent nurse, Jacque is an avid biker, and the member of a biker group, the kind of group that gets together to have fun and do good deeds rather than terrorizing folks. So she called on her group, East Texas Bikers, to do a Benefit Motorcycle Ride for Pam. Last Saturday 20 bikers from places as far as Sulfur Springs, Longview, Henderson and Mesquite gathered at Edgewood in 27 degree weather, and rode to Cedar Lake Nursing Home, where they parked in the front parking lot we had roped off for them. They enjoyed some really good music by the Butch Mizelle band, and chowed down on barbecue sandwiches and the trimmings furnished by Cedar Lake Nursing Home. There were two other bikers there that are not a member of Jacque’s group but who everybody was glad to welcome: Dr. John and Carolyn Sawtelle were there decked out their dew rags and leathers. I almost ran over Carolyn before I recognized her. She says she is an old hippie and has been riding since she was a teenager. The Sawtelles are a wonderful couple, and are totally enjoying their semi-retirement.

There was a bounce house, and a silent auction with gifts donated by bikers and Cedar Lake staff. It was all pretty exciting for our residents, many of whom came out front to hobnob with the bikers and enjoy the barbecue and music. Sonny, our administrator, took pictures of the goings-on, and sent them to Pam in the hospital right as they were happening.

It was a wonderful day. And the fund-raising went pretty well: $4,276 so far, and raffle is still going on for a Home Defense shotgun which looks like it means business. In fact, you can still get in on that raffle until Feb. 12. If you are interested in a shotgun, or if you are one of the many people who have been blessed by knowing Pam, and would like to bless her back, you can call Cedar Lake Nursing Home at 903-489-1702 and they will tell you how to get a ticket.