AISD board accepts bid on bond sale, OK’s Gallagher Construction

Toni Garrard Clay/AISD Communications Specialist

The Athens ISD board room looked a bit like a scene out of the Marvel Universe Thursday when the trustees gathered for their regular monthly meeting. January is school board appreciation month and the theme is “Superheroes for our Schools.” Banners, balloons and artwork were displayed featuring well-known comic heroes — many of them with board members’ heads superimposed on them.

“I don’t think there’s been a school board in decades that has accomplished what you have this past year with our facilities,” said Superintendent Blake Stiles in reference to the trustees’ unanimous decision to call for the successful $59.9 million bond election in November. “We appreciate all you do for this district.”

The board took action on two items related to the bond election. They accepted the winning bid from investment firm R.W. Baird & Co. to buy $59.9 million of unlimited tax school building bonds. R.W. Baird made the lowest of seven bids in a competitive sale for the bond package, offering an average interest rate of 3.07 percent.

“In December, I was projecting something a little bit higher,” said Robert White of SAMCO Capital Markets, which advises the district on financial matters. “This is a great, great rate. The timing couldn’t have been better for Athens Independent School District.”

“If I could do a backflip, Mr. Stiles, I’d do one,” said McElhany following White’s presentation. “That’s awesome.”

The positive outcome is a result of AISD’s “A+” credit rating and a 15-year low in the municipal bond market. The anticipated closing date, when funds will become available, is Feb. 18.

Trustees also approved the necessary contracts for the selection of Gallagher Construction Services as construction manager-agent for the capital projects to be funded by the bond sale.

“We’ve looked into several construction companies, and I can’t tell you how many superintendents have said Von Gallagher of Gallagher Construction is the guy, that he’s reliable and dependable. I think they’re the best choice,” said Stiles.

“We’re thrilled to be part of the project,” said Mr. Gallagher. “We’re getting our team assembled and having preliminary discussions with some Austin architects. … Hopefully, there will be an abundance of local contractors who want to participate, and that’s great. It helps the process.”

At the recommendation of Board President Robert Risko, the trustees also approved and adopted a resolution nominating Stiles for 2016 Superintendent of the Year “for his exemplary and visionary leadership toward improving student performance in our schools.”

“We have a great captain steering this ship,” said Risko.

“I just know how to pick good people,” responded Stiles.

Finally, the board approved Verizon as the vendor to provide cellular services for the district in 2016-2017 at a net price to the district of $6,388, thanks to an 85-percent discount provided by the federal E-Rate program that financially assists with technology expenditures.