Malakoff school board approves field house GMP

Students from Malakoff Middle School's 6th, 7th and 8th grades (pictured) gave a presentation to the school board Monday night about the Advance Project Based Learning program. The main point of their presentations? That project-based learning rocks!
Students from Malakoff Middle School’s 6th, 7th and 8th grades (pictured) gave a presentation to the school board Monday night about the Advance Project Based Learning program. The main point of their presentations? That project-based learning rocks!

The Malakoff ISD Board of Trustees Monday night approved a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) of $1.82 million to build a new field house at the football field.

The vote came after a presentation by representatives from Gallagher Construction Services and Claycomb Associates, Architects.

The project is part of a $3 million bond approved by voters in May.

The cost for the project will exceed the available bond money by less than $150,000, which will come out of the General Fund.

The new field house will include public bathrooms (with three times as many stalls for women), concession stands and combination mat room and visitor’s dressing room. Plans call for the new facility to match the high school as closely as possible.

The old building will be torn down in December with construction scheduled to be completed in early May, depending on the weather.

In other action, the board reorganized with the following officers: President Rick Vieregge, Vice President Jason Darymple, Secretary Tim Mattingly.