Tool Elementary reschedules Grab ‘N Go Read

Malakoff ISD LogoThe Tool Elementary School Grab ‘N Go Read event has been rescheduled for 6-7 p.m. Nov. 17.

The event is hosted by the staff and the school with the purpose of promoting reading at home. The staff dresses up as different book characters and hands out goodies as the parents drive the students around the school. The last stop on the trip is a new book for each student. The student goes home with their parent and reads a portion of their book and the next day they talk about it in class.

“The community of Tool is an amazing support to this event,” said Principal Christal Calhoun. “Dairy Queen of Seven Points supports us by the DQ mascot Curly handing out ice cream coupons while area churches support us with great goodies, and Tool City Hall shows its support as well.”

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for this great event, 6-7 p.m. Nov. 17.