Podcast: Weekly Roundup

Michael, Jeff and Garrett sat down to talk about some of the week’s stories.

Podcast, July 24

I. Introduction

A. Welcome back, Jeff.

II. Old Hospital

Hospital owners asked for and received 30-day extension on demolition of the building. Story here. 

III. Racism Post

Reader Dyneshia Braune Rainville shared a post about rascism with us on Wednesday. The original post has been seen by more than 11,000 people and received 488 likes, 49 comments and 96 shares as of 7 a.m. Friday. See post here.

IV. BMC received $3 million in grants

Last week, we talked about how the BMC received $1 million in loans from the Athens EDC, most of which will never get repaid now. This week, we reported that there were also $3 million in grants given to the BMC. Story here.

V. Shout Outs.