Agriview: Caring For Your Lawn in the Heat

Rick Hirsch
Rick Hirsch

By Rick Hirsch/County Extension Agent

I know we have had more than our fair share of rain this year, but the hot, dry days of summer are just around the corner . . . maybe. Keeping our lawns green in July and August can be a challenge even with a good irrigation system. Watering is one of the basic elements of lawn maintenance and often one of the costliest. But without it, our lawns may well dry up and die. With an effective system of pipework and water flow valves ( in place, there is no reason that your lawn can’t make it through August without succumbing to the intense heat.

Soil type, grass species and turf management influence the amount of supplemental water and the watering frequency required for lawns.

Sandy, coarse-textured soils absorb water at a much faster rate than finer textured soils, but retain less moisture. Therefore sandy soils will require more frequent applications of water at lighter rates. Clay soils retain more moisture and should require less frequent waterings. Clay soils absorb water very slowly so application rates should be slower and extended over a longer period.

Grass species and management practices largely determine the amount of supplemental water required for lawns. Bermuda grass is able to go dormant during a drought and recover fairly well. Other grasses such as Centipede and St. Augustine do not possess this drought tolerant. Significant turfgrass loss can occur if these species are allowed to experience severe drought stress for an extended period of time.

During hot, dry conditions raise mowing heights to reduce water needs.

Mow St. Augustine grass at 3 inches during dry weather. Do not mow bermuda grass higher than 2 inches. Timely applications of water are required for effective and efficient water use. Apply water just as the grass begins to discolor and wilt. Most grasses turn dark and dull and the leaf blades begin to fold or roll when the grass goes into water stress. Grass under water stress also shows tracks after someone walks across the lawn. Ensure that any grass leftover from maintenance is cleared, especially when mowing into the street.

The time of day also influences the effectiveness of watering. Early morning is considered the best time to water. Early morning watering helps to wash des off the leaves which reduces the incidence of diseases. Later afternoon is considered the worst time to water because the grass remains wet through the night and is more susceptible to disease.

How much water to apply to a home lawn can be very confusing for a homeowner with an automatic irrigation system. Unfortunately grasses do not utilize water on a set schedule.

Apply enough water to a lawn to wet the top 4 to 6 inches of soil. Light, frequent applications of water produce weak, shallow-rooted turf highly susceptible to stress. The application of 1?2 to 1 inch of water will adequately wet most soils. The time required to wet the soil to this depth depends on the type of sprinkler used, the water pressure available and the rate at which the water moves into the soil. Sloping sites require light watering at frequent intervals. It also depends on the type of sprinkler you have and if it is of good quality or not. If the sprinkler is not effective, you need to find the best lawn sprinkler for your garden by reading some reviews.

The key to success in watering home lawns is to condition the grass to get by on as little supplemental water as possible. The use of good turf management practices will develop a deep-rooted turf which can withstand drought conditions.