Pinnacle Women’s Club Installs Officers

Installation of Officers 2015-16

Outgoing Pinnacle Women’s Club president Jean Alexander thanked Shirley Lybrand and Cheryl Shaw for the beautiful table decorations and turned the program over to them for installation of new officers. They used a Hot Air Balloon theme to “send off” the new officers with their responsibilities. Char Richard was installed as Treasurer and given a green hat decorated with mail, a calculator and money; her gifts are diligence, honesty and charity. Joanna Linder, Secretary, was given a pink hat with a notepad, computer, pencils and post-it-notes; her gifts are posterity and organization. Teresa Cromer will be the Vice President wearing a blue hat with a calendar, speakers, donations and a menu; her gifts were fidelity, service and ideals. Charlotte Pechacek as President wears a purple hat with a gavel, big heart, time for others, lighthouse beacon and her gifts are teaching, learning, leading and following. New President Charlotte Pechacek said she was thrilled and honored to hold this office and announced the 2015-16 Committee Chairmen. She thanked everyone for their willingness to serve. (Courtesy photo)