AEDC Presents MED-LOGICS With $135,000 Check

MedlogicsPress release

Athens Economic Development Corporation President Jess Laird and board members Maurice Cox and Jeaneane Lilly presented Rod and Betty Ross, MED-LOGICS, Inc., with an incentive check in the amount of $135,000 last week. Med-Logics qualified for this AEDC grant by hiring 20 new employees in their first year of operation in Athens.

MED-LOGICS is providing the community with good jobs with room for growth. They start their employees out at a competitive salary, and employees participate in a monthly bonus program tied to productivity and quality control.

“We want long term employees, just like we had in California,” Betty said. “That’s why we pay them well, train them well and treat them well.”

MED-LOGICS, Inc. was founded in September 1992 to focus on providing surgeons with the tools they need to optimize their ophthalmic surgical patient outcomes.

MED-LOGICS, Inc. has been operating in the Athens’ Industrial Park since January, 2014.

Athens EDC is proud to be a part of Med-Logics success in Athens and looks forward to working with them for many years to come.

MED-LOGICS still has a few job openings, so check them out.