ACPA Receives Cain Foundation Grant

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Athens Christian Preparatory Academy recently received a grant of $25,000 from the Cain Foundation. The grant which will be used for scholarships will help over 30 percent of ACPA students receive some level of financial aid.

ACPA Headmistress Teresa DeMay said, “This money is a huge influx of funds that we can use to award financial aid to qualifying families. The Cain foundation was the first foundation to help us in this way and we have so many success stories of students who have benefited from these funds.”

ACPA board member Jane Joslin believes that grants from foundations are crucial in keeping the price of ACPA from becoming cost prohibitive for a lot of families. “Organizations like The Cain Foundation are links to ACPA’s ability to offer quality Christian education at affordable rates,” Joslin said. “To be able to offer these services in our hometown is beneficial to producing quality citizens, which in turn produces many other additional benefits towards the broader spectrum of our community.”

ACPA strives to be faithful stewards of all resources made available to the school. “Having the ability to offer scholarships to many bright young students helps to fulfill ACPA’s mission to reach as many people through Christian education as possible,” Joslin said. “However, for every student that receives a scholarship, there is always another one waiting.”

2 thoughts on “ACPA Receives Cain Foundation Grant”

  1. Scholarships maybe, more likely tryin to hold on in a bad economy. Buyer beware. I’ve heard good things about a few classes but on the whole not a good value for the money.

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