Bus Purchase Among Several Items Approved by AISD Board

AISD logoBy Toni Garrard Clay/AISD Communication Specialist

The weather not only shortened the school day for students on Monday, it shortened the board meeting for Athens ISD trustees that evening.

Board members amended the “local maintenance” fund’s budget to reflect insurance proceeds related to an Oct. 9 incident. An Athens ISD school bus was struck from behind that day while stopped at a railroad crossing. The 2005 bus was totaled, and resulting insurance proceeds to the district will total $40,399. The bus will be kept by the district as a source for salvageable parts. The board approved the purchase of a new bus from Longhorn Bus Sales totaling $92,737.

The board also approved vendors to serve the district’s internet access, cell phone and network infrastructure needs. Those vendors are Suddenlink (internet access), Verizon (cell phones) and Virtual Communications (hardware for network infrastructure). This action was taken in connection to the federal E-Rate program, under which AISD applies annually for funding. The E-Rate guidelines establish a ceiling of approximately $550,000 of total commitment for infrastructure to benefit Athens ISD for the next two school years combined. The E-Rate benefit pays approximately 90 percent of the infrastructure cost with Athens ISD being responsible for about 10 percent. The ultimate expenditures will be dependent upon the specific components implemented during the next two school years.

Assistant Superintendent Dr. Janie Sims made a recommendation to the board that Athens ISD show appreciation to certain employees who have demonstrated “outstanding attendance while serving at Athens ISD” by offering a one-time payment for unused state or local leave. Under the recommendation, payment of $50 per day for unused state and local leave (up to 30 days for both) would be provided upon retirement if the employee has served the district at least five consecutive years and submits notice of retirement by April 1.

“This is intended as a reward for service to the district,” said Sims.

The trustees approved of the action, with board Vice President Steve McElhany abstaining due to a potential conflict and board member Alicea Elliott voting no.

The board also approved an additional athletic stipend for the girls’ freshman basketball coach. Athens High School added the team to the program this year, having for many years fielded only JV and varsity teams. The approved $2,000 stipend brings the freshman coach into parity with the coaches of the other two teams.

In personnel news, Lauren Vargas was hired as a special education teacher at South Athens Elementary. Resignations were accepted for diagnostician Angela Fitzgerald, high school agriculture science teacher Crystal Davidson, and middle school math teacher Kaye Fitzgerald.

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