That flying squirrel did not break my new refrigerator

Posted by Around the Town on Saturday, August 19, 2017

By Loretta Humble/Around the Town

That flying squirrel did not break my new refrigerator. No way. But due to some of my previous run-ins with nature’s creatures, maybe you could forgive me for taking a minute to wonder.

I have never been one for throwing money around. I live in a little old house that I moved to my portion of the family farm and fixed up. Then I furnished it with used furniture. I totally love it. It reminds me of the house where I was born right across the road from here. But I don’t want my kitchen to look like Mama’s. I like stainless steel appliances, and in particular, I love a huge wonderful refrigerator/freezer that looks like the refrigerated section of a fancy grocery store inside, but no way could I stand to part with cost of a new one of those.

The fridge I had was okay. I first saw it on Unclutterer. It was stainless, but middle-aged and middle-sized. Then I found the wonderful one. Used, but huge and gorgeous, and so cheap I grabbed it quick. After I got it home, I discovered it had a couple of peculiarities, but I loved it anyhow.

Then one night it woke us up making a loud roaring noise. We thought unplugging it for a couple of minutes might reset a fan or something. To do that we had to pull it out of its slot, and when we did, there was something over in the back corner. Dust bunnies? A dead mouse? We poked it with a broom and it jumped. We got a flashlight and looked closer and saw it had weirdly large eyes and a bushy tail. We moved the fridge out some more so we could get to it. At that point it decided to make a run for it. It was fast. It ran across the kitchen and I thought I lost it until I spotted a small lump on the table under the vinyl tablecloth. Cleverly, I thought, I put a clear glass bowl over the lump and slipped a thin flat cookie sheet under the tablecloth in the lump area. Then I pulled the tablecloth out from between them. Voila! We were looking into the big eyes of a half-grown flying squirrel. Here I was in the middle of the night with my fridge going crazy, holding a very nervous flying squirrel in captivity. Of course there was no connection other than the fridge noise probably saved his life, but it was funny to think about.

I knew there have been flying squirrels around here, because sadly, I’ve seen a couple of dead ones. But this was my first face to face encounter, which I believe was thanks to the cat. The little thing was so cute I would have liked to have kept him around a little while for show and tell but we did the right thing and took him to the woods and wished him well.

As for the fridge, after a couple more outbursts, it seems to have healed itself. It has been a couple of months now and it seems to be fine. And I got something to write about. My life is usually pretty boring, but wild animals do help me out pretty often.

One day I discovered our ancient border collie, Deuce, lying in the middle of the living room floor, tenderly licking a tiny baby rabbit. Best I can tell, the cat must have brought this one in too. Shelly who lives next door took it home to bottle feed it. He has grown up to be a fine young rabbit. They were afraid if they turned him loose he couldn’t make it after being people-raised, so Douglas built him a huge outdoor cage where he seems to live a happy enough life.

Then there was the turtle I saved who tried to kill me. I picked him up out of the middle of the road on my way to town and put him in my back floorboard till I could find a safe pasture to put him in. . As I approached the railroad crossing, I tried to brake. I couldn’t. The car kept going, heading down town, towards the highway and disaster. I swerved the car around the corner towards the Baptist Church parking lot, where I finally had the sense to turn the key off, and drove round and round till it finally quit. Only then did I figure out that the turtle was the culprit, having lodged himself under the brake pedal. I was scared to death, but as soon as I recovered I knew he had given me a column.

Then there was the day, when standing at the information desk at the big Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Dallas, I put my hand in my purse, felt something squishy, and looked down to see a toad frog peeking out at me. This was so amazing I had to tell the people standing around there that there was a frog in my purse. I could guess how he got there, but that was not nearly as interesting as the fact that a frog went to Dallas with me. I laughed out loud because I knew immediately I had a column titled “There was a Frog in my Purse.”

The blessings just keep coming.

One thought on “That flying squirrel did not break my new refrigerator”

  1. Absolutely great stories! Reminds me of so many things I have been through! Please keep them coming!

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